Art connects, heals, and transforms

Connect the Dots Art Studio offers a winning combination producing art and inviting the community to join in, and to come back for more creative experiences and events.

Connect The Dots Art Studio - Tea Towel

Community artworkshop participants creating tea towel designs with veggie stamps.

Connect the Dots offers local communities opportunities to view, experience and purchase art.

Bringing the community together through art installations and events. We unleash creativity and the power of visual arts. Art is the language of humanity. We connect the dots for society to experience art, make art and be around artistic and creative people. We are collaborating with MarinArts in becoming the fine arts resident organization for Marin County (CA, USA) and beyond.

Actively making art and viewing art has calming and centering effects on the brain. These experiences empower one to cope with stress and everyday worries.

Connect The Dots Art Studio - Tea Towel

Happy community art workshop participant sharing her beautiful cyanotype print.

We make art, we embrace art and we fill a community need for visual art experiences that transform. Our artwork puts positive energy into the universe and connects people. We have a gift, special skills and expertise to share this magic with others. We teach and enable others to make and create with their hands, to find balance, expression and meaning. We are two women who need to make and share art because it flows in us like the blood in our veins. Inspired by nature and driven by personal health struggles, creating art is our friend we always return to, to find solace, passion, peace and joy.

Connect The Dots Art Studio - CDT working in the studio

Collaborative painting in progress by artists Barbara and Anna.

Connect The Dots Art Studio - Copy of healing the brain through art

Although difficult to measure, in our work with students, the community, as well as in our personal lives coping with trauma, we have noticed patterns on how art regulates the mind and body. 

Barbara painted this stunning image in 2022 during her recovery from a brain injury, using artmaking to calm her overstimulated nervous system. The right side of her brain blossomed, her creativity became super enhanced. Her heightened creativity helped her invent solutions to tricky problems that challenge her everyday life during her recovery.